Auto Ecommerce Podcast: How to Start an Online Store
There are a couple of reasons why businesses are on the fence about utilizing podcasts. One, they may not understand how easy they are to create. Two, their current content strategy might be working like a well-oiled machine, and they don't see the need to jump on board (with yet another) method of brand exposure. And third, they don't see the competition getting on board either, so why bother?
Well, for many businesses we say, go ahead and bother with a podcast because of the many benefits. Here are four reasons why the website manager starts podcasts (and why you should too):
#1: A further audience reach
The more content outlets you utilize, the further your audience reach will be. Even people who love to read will find themselves crunched for time or in a position (such as while driving) that they can't scan the page and enjoy the beautiful web design.
Many companies start podcasts to give people a different way to get the information without having to stare at the device they are using.
#2: A shorter sales process
When you can engage people through listening, then the process will be much quicker to get the final results.
Think of it as an audiobook.
When you listen to someone read the book you get an entirely different experience than when you read it yourself. The amount of time spent on the material is shorter and easier to understand because your brain can take it in without stumbling over words and concepts.
#3: You can play with emotions more
When you invest the time to make a podcast, you'll have a tremendous opportunity to play with emotions that just don't come across in many other forms of content. Aspects like enthusiasm, humor, and even sadness are even more contagious when you hear them in a person's voice.
#4: You give your social media feed a boost
Having a social media strategy with a variety of content is a smart move. And when you add podcasting into the mix, then you’ll find that this portable method will grab the attention of some new potential customers, as well as keep your current customer base engaged.
How to make it work for you
Podcasts can essentially work for every business with an ecommerce cms when executed with innovative and strategic measures. Here's a quick checklist to ensure that you get the most out of your podcast.
Make sure your equipment is in properly working.
Have a script written and edited to ensure that you have all of your points in order.
Practice! Don't just read it. You want to make sure you add emphasis and emotion in all the right places and don't come across as robotic. If you're doing an interview or something impromptu, then make sure you have an outline and questions ready.
Get yourself and your space ready. Make sure all possible distractions will be quiet from dogs to cell phones. Have something to drink beside you in case your throat gets dry and have notes conveniently placed.
Set your timer and start the presentation!
If you’re still on the fence, take the time to listen to other businesses podcasts. You might just be surprised how many ideas you come up with for your own (and how much you enjoy listening to them).

BEDSLIDE - Client Testimonial
"The best thing out of everything was that our sales went up. The new site had a better design, the checkout process was better, and ultimately achieved all of our goals. That site has been up for a year and a half and we’re very happy with it, it’s still awesome." - Jake Plappert