8 Signs It's Time For a Website Redesign
It's not uncommon for website owners to look past the design of their static pages and basic service and product information. Especially when you have the fast-paced and exciting world of social media that demands daily attention.
But before you take on more products or join another social media platform, take a step back and check out your website. And we mean really look at it.
These days it's critical that your web design serves the purpose that you set out to do – give customers an easy way to navigate through the pages, find what they want, get back to their day, and convert them into loyal shoppers.
Here are a few signs that your web design is due for a new look:
#1: Site speed is slow
If your website takes more than 8 seconds to load pages – it’s time for a new web design.
According to a 2015 study done by Canadian researchers we’ve gone from an attention span of 12 seconds to 8, and even that number is expected to decrease.
#2: It’s not responsive for all devices
If you haven’t taken the time to design a responsive website, you’re a little behind. But that’s okay because it gives you the perfect excuse to redesign your site.
With over 80% of consumers searching for services and products online, you want to be sure that it’s current and easy to navigate no matter what size screen.
#3: The conversion rate is low
If your conversion rate is low, one of the first places to turn to for answers is your web design.
Now it takes the time to cultivate a high conversion rate, so if you see it steadily inclining every month, then your design may not be the culprit. If you want more sales, do an extensive site evaluation at this point and investigate your marketing plan and the e-commerce website platforms for your industry.
However, if you just haven't seen the numbers move up in a long time or they are continually getting lower, a redesign should be in your (very near) future.
#4: The bounce rate is high
A high bounce rate means your bringing traffic to your website, but they are quick to leave.
Often this is due to a web design that is not properly optimized, and you're bringing in the wrong people. It can also be due to a cluttered design, an unclear call-to-action, or low-quality images.
There are other reasons behind high bounce rate, but for the most part, a new web design will correct the problem.
#5: It’s been years since your last update
Even if your web design looks good and serves its purpose, you shouldn’t ignore updating it to ensure that the competition isn’t looking at your site and then doing it better.
Plus, you don't want to miss out on design trends that have cultivated over the years and have proven to bring in more business.
#6: It’s not designed to convert
Next time you look at your business website, ask yourself this question: Who is this site designed for?
If the answer is you, then it’s time for a new design that is customer focused. Some people want to learn about you and how your business started, and you can provide that for them, but it shouldn’t be the main event.
#7: It doesn’t compliment your social media efforts
When you work hard to create brand awareness on social media, it should compliment your web design to prevent any confusion.
The more your brand defines itself on all platforms from email marketing to Facebook to the website, the more trust you build with customers.
#8: You simply don’t like it
It's okay to change your web design because you don't like it. If you had an amateur do the original design because you were watching those start-up costs, you'll begin to notice the site grow stale and see the flaws and little annoyances over time.
Get feedback from customers if you aren’t confident in changing it and bring in a web design consultant if you want to learn more about the best changes to make building the best auto parts website.

BEDSLIDE - Client Testimonial
"The best thing out of everything was that our sales went up. The new site had a better design, the checkout process was better, and ultimately achieved all of our goals. That site has been up for a year and a half and we’re very happy with it, it’s still awesome." - Jake Plappert