Word Of Mouth Marketing & eCommerce Success
Word of Mouth Marketing is a part of everyday life; a basic part a human interaction that has always been around, and is only getting more prevalent as technology advances. But why is it so effective? What is the real appeal of WOMM? A big part of the answer is the lack of bias that comes with it. A friend telling you about an amazing new automotive eCommerce website they did business with is immeasurably more credible than an advertisement produced by the corporation itself, because obviously the company is going to tell you they are the best, but peers have the capability of being objective. Word of Mouth Marketing in eCommerce manifests itself in a variety of ways; it is undoubtedly the most diverse and broad form of advertisement available to small business owners today. Here are the most common forms seen on a daily basis:
What is Word of Mouth Marketing?
Peer to Peer: This kind of word of mouth marketing is the most effective by far. Chances are most people do not even realize just how often they themselves engage in peer to peer WOMM in some fashion. Think about it; you come across a little hole in the wall deli while you are out and about and decide to give it a try. If it ends up being a good experience and the food is delicious, what is the first thing you do? More often than not you tell someone, maybe even multiple people! They trust your opinion since you are a friend, and possibly end up doing the same thing and telling even more people. This simple example demonstrates the immense power of peer to peer word of mouth marketing. The company itself has done nothing but offer a high quality service and treated customers favorably, and the marketing takes care of itself!
Expert Opinion: We have all seen advertisements, whether on TV or in a magazine, with expert analysts claiming that a particular product or service is better than its competitors. And of course we believe it. They are the experts right? Who are we to refute the endorsements they make? Having an expert in the field back your product is undoubtedly one of the most effective ways to build credibility for your company.
Celebrity Endorsement: We are a society that has become obsessed with celebrities; whether it is the good or the bad, their lives and opinions are constantly being observed and scrutinized. People are drawn to celebrities, they watch them on TV or in the movies and it is almost as if a kind of relationship is built. Without ever actually meeting this person, you know enough about them to build a kind of trust. Finding a way to have a well respected celebrity support your company can do an enormous amount of good for your marketing efforts. A simple tweet about your business has the possibility of being seen by hundreds of thousands of people. That kind of brand visibility in such a short amount of time used to be unheard of.
Understanding eCommerce WOMM
We have said it many times before: eCommerce and online marketing in general is very much like a giant puzzle. There is no one thing you can excel at that will provide you with all of the tools to sell online, you must instead be well versed in numerous pieces of the eCommerce puzzle. In a world where instant gratification has become the norm, waiting for all of the pieces to come together and show you results is quite common. Taking all of these small steps and letting it all come together is beneficial to your growing eCommerce website. Through Word of Mouth Marketing you can take some of the pressure off of your online marketing and advertising efforts, and let the quality of service your business offers go to work for you.
By: Dana Nevins

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