Optimize eCommerce Checkout Process for Happy Customers
The eCommerce checkout process implemented in your eCommerce website plays a vital role in how successful the site will be, and how many conversions it will generate. Often times, however, it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. This is understandable since the website design process can be hectic; constantly making tweaks and improvements until you settle on a site layout that encapsulates the vision you originally had perfectly. Throughout all of this, the checkout process is easy to forget about and neglect.
The checkout process implemented in your eCommerce website plays a vital role in how successful the site will be, and how many conversions it will generate. Often times, however, it doesn’t get the attention it deserves. This is understandable since the website design process can be hectic; constantly making tweaks and improvements until you settle on a site layout that encapsulates the vision you originally had perfectly. Throughout all of this, the eCommerce checkout process is easy to forget about and neglect.
Do NOT require an account to complete checkout. For some reason this seems to be an extremely common occurrence in the world of eCommerce. The main goal when setting up your checkout process should be simplicity. There should be the minimum amount of steps possible to gather all the necessary information and get the customer’s order processed. Requiring a customer to log in is basically a red flag that screams we’re going to make this difficult for you. Think about it like this: someone has just decided to buy a product or service from you, is it really the right time to annoy them?
Present an easily visible “check out now” button. Don’t let potential customers mull over their buying decisions after they have added an item to their cart, get them into the next step of the process! Online shopping can be an almost euphoric experience for many people; they see something they want and they can get it with just a few clicks of the mouse! But what happens when they click “add to cart” and continue browsing for too long? They may change their mind and decide they don’t really need that item, or get distracted and leave the site altogether. Presenting a “check out now” button that is easily visible is an easy way to prevent these things from happening and usher the customer into the checkout process.
Don’t try to collect extraneous information. If a customer has made it all the way to the checkout process they’re already giving you personal information and their credit card number, that’s asking enough from them. This is not the place to conduct a survey or gather further information in order to continue marketing to them. Imagine if you were at a brick and mortar store, and at the register the cashier started bombarding you with irrelevant questions. Sure you might end up completing the transaction, but are the chances of you returning to the store the same? Just like a brick and mortar location, your job as the owner of an eCommerce site is to make the entire process as convenient as possible for your customers. Once again, the checkout process is the last place you want to risk irritating your shoppers. Gather only the information you need to complete the order, and let them get on with their day. Provide a survey that the visitor can choose to take at the end of the checkout process if they want to participate.
By: Dana Nevins

BEDSLIDE - Client Testimonial
"The best thing out of everything was that our sales went up. The new site had a better design, the checkout process was better, and ultimately achieved all of our goals. That site has been up for a year and a half and we’re very happy with it, it’s still awesome." - Jake Plappert