How To Get The Best Web Design in your Budget
We're always asked by our new clients if there is anything they can to to help our Web Designers through the process of creating their online presence. To that we reply with an enthusiastic and resounding YES!
. Of course you're hiring us to take care of the whole process, but the more direction we have the better the end result will be.
Decide what style website you want - retro, future, art deco, classy, simple, contemporary, web 2.0, glossy, organic.
Take note of other sites that you like or dislike, what about your competitors websites or even websites you visit every day?
Take great care filling out our Website Design Questionnaire.
Create your own basic flow chart on how you want the site to flow. Figure out what content pages you must have. Figure out how want a visitor to flow through the site? Are you going to have video, a blog, photo gallery. Planning these sort of site characteristics opens up creative doors at the beginning of the process and are much easier to implement sooner than later.
Gather design elements and images that you would like to have on your site. If you see a great photo, or a perfect texture or graphic, collect them send them to your designer so he/she can incorporate them into the web design early on.
Take an active role during the design process. Create a wishlist and push the envelope on what you think is possible. Let your website design team know if they are going in the right direction or sailing into left field. Be active, ask questions, give feedback and input. Don't be shy, this is your website!

BEDSLIDE - Client Testimonial
"The best thing out of everything was that our sales went up. The new site had a better design, the checkout process was better, and ultimately achieved all of our goals. That site has been up for a year and a half and we’re very happy with it, it’s still awesome." - Jake Plappert