Writing Effective Product Descriptions | Web Shop Manager
I’m excited to bring to you today the final blog post in Web Shop Manager’s “What Makes a Great Website” series! This final installment covers the topic of product descriptions.
I am going to preface this post now by saying product descriptions are not easy. Quality product descriptions take a good amount of time to complete, and although it may seem easier and faster to copy stock descriptions from somewhere else (although, Google penalizes duplicate content), to get the real benefit from descriptions they must be customized and tailored to your site and your products.
There are two major items you should look to achieve when writing your product descriptions.
1. Make the product attractive
- You want to make the visitor feel like they need to have this product for their automobile. Highlight the benefits the product provides and why the customer should purchase it.
2. Optimize for SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Since this description is on your website, it is being crawled (scanned and indexed) by Google. Because of this, it is essential that your descriptions are optimized with two to three keywords in mind. However, be cautious; you don’t want to jam your keywords into the description over and over.
Other things to keep in mind when writing your product descriptions are to:
1. Maintain a consistent tone
2. Write for your target audience
3. Address possible consumer concerns
4. Highlight (at least) one important feature
Example: Many of our clients are doing excellent jobs of writing effective product descriptions on their sites. I want to point out Perrin Performance in particular; Perrin Performance goes above and beyond in their product descriptions. They highlight multiple reasons why the visitor should purchase their product and even provide photos that correspond with each reason. It all comes together in a clean, thorough presentation.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and the “What Makes a Great Website” series! Be sure to check out the previous posts in the series if you missed them!

BEDSLIDE - Client Testimonial
"The best thing out of everything was that our sales went up. The new site had a better design, the checkout process was better, and ultimately achieved all of our goals. That site has been up for a year and a half and we’re very happy with it, it’s still awesome." - Jake Plappert